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Wolverhampton Runners

Race Horse Result Betting Top Points Rating ChatGPT Rating TomForm Rating Speed Rating OR Rating Odds Odds Mov TP TP Mov TBP TBP Mov Result Win Betting TP Betting TBP Betting
16:05 Wol (1) Taskheer 11th 2 3.0 50/1 -100% -100% 24.0 10.0 11th
16:05 Wol (2) Balqaa 4th 33 4 7.4 14/1 -155% -155% 5.5 3.65 4th £73.00
16:05 Wol (3) Mykonos St John 9th 3 7.1 8/1 +43% +43% 3.1 2.16 9th
16:05 Wol (4) Molly Valentine 1st 33 3 7.3 15/2 +6% +6% 3.05 2.0 1st £320.00 £61.00 £40.00
16:05 Wol (5) Genta 5th 2 4.0 18/1 -29% -29% 6.0 3.75 5th
16:05 Wol (7) I Can't Believe 6th 33 2 5.0 11/4 +66% +66% 1.64 1.37 6th
16:05 Wol (8) Port Noir 2nd 33 4 7.5 4/1 +0% +0% 1.84 1.76 2nd £36.80 £35.20
16:05 Wol (9) Clyde Bay 8th 3 7.0 12/1 -20% -20% 3.7 2.74 8th
16:05 Wol (10) Star Of St James 10th 2 4.5 33/1 -65% -65% 11.0 5.1 10th
16:05 Wol (11) Lhebayeb 7th 5 7.6 10/1 -122% -122% 3.3 2.5 7th
16:05 Wol (12) Sassy Glory 3rd 33 3 7.2 12/1 -50% -50% 4.6 2.2 3rd £92.00 £44.00
16:40 Wol (3) Georginio 4th 5 8.5 5/1 -122% -122% 3.15 1.87 4th
16:40 Wol (1) Ruling Master 3rd 4 7.5 5/2 +17% +17% 1.99 1.55 3rd £31.00
16:40 Wol (2) Magna Gee Gee 1st 3 7.0 14/1 -40% -40% 6.4 2.8 1st £300.00 £128.00 £56.00
16:40 Wol (4) Nidaami 5th 4 7.2 2/1 +43% +43% 1.82 1.72 5th
16:40 Wol (5) Magic Runner 2nd 3 6.8 17/2 +23% +23% 4.6 2.28 2nd £92.00 £45.60
16:40 Wol (6) Made The Cut 7th 3 6.5 11/2 +27% +27% 3.9 1.89 7th
16:40 Wol (7) Rue D'etoile 6th 2 4.5 20/1 +60% +60% 25.0 11.0 6th
17:15 Wol (1) Coma Cluster 7th 3 7.8 13/2 +7% +7% 2.6 1.48 7th
17:15 Wol (2) Jackrabbit 8th 2 5.5 80/1 -100% -100% 17.5 5.9 8th
17:15 Wol (3) Lesson Of Life 4th 4 7.5 85/40 +47% +47% 1.41 1.11 4th £22.20
17:15 Wol (4) National Voice 5th 1 4.5 150/1 -127% -127% 25.0 3.2 5th
17:15 Wol (5) Rosezan 6th 1 3.5 150/1 -50% -50% 25.0 6.4 6th
17:15 Wol (6) Safe Idea 3rd 4 7.5 9/4 +55% +55% 1.3 1.22 3rd £26.00 £24.40
17:45 Wol (1) Staincliff 6th 3 7.8 9/2 +10% +10% 2.44 1.57 6th
17:45 Wol (2) Take A Pull 4th 3 8.0 20/1 -208% -208% 4.9 2.78 4th £55.60
17:45 Wol (3) Happy Hadeda 3rd 2 7.2 4/1 +53% +53% 2.5 1.77 3rd £50.00 £35.40
17:45 Wol (4) Enola Grey 1st 4 8.5 7/2 +59% +59% 1.72 1.4 1st £160.00 £34.40 £28.00
17:45 Wol (6) Triumph Of Peace betfair ladbrokes 3 7.9 5/1 +17% +17% 2.54 2.02
17:45 Wol (7) Byzantine Empress 5th 5 8.3 5/1 -43% -43% 2.16 1.73 5th
17:45 Wol (8) My Awele 7th 3 7.6 9/1 -20% -20% 3.7 2.74 7th
17:45 Wol (9) Powdering 2nd 3 7.4 11/1 +0% +0% 3.0 2.06 2nd £60.00 £41.20
18:15 Wol (1) Dark Mystery 2nd 5 7.0 13/8 +73% +73% 1.46 1.28 2nd £29.20 £25.60
18:15 Wol (2) Grand Duchess Olga 3rd 3 7.2 10/1 -67% -67% 2.62 1.76 3rd £52.40 £35.20
18:15 Wol (3) Vee Dancer 7th 2 6.8 20/1 -150% -150% 4.4 1.98 7th
18:15 Wol (5) Edna E Mode 6th 1 4.0 66/1 -267% -267% 10.5 4.6 6th
18:15 Wol (6) Alfheim 1st 4 8.5 5/2 -11% -11% 1.74 1.32 1st £120.00 £34.80 £26.40
18:15 Wol (7) Black Smoke 4th 3 7.5 11/2 +39% +39% 1.96 1.65 4th £33.00
18:15 Wol (8) Trackman 5th 3 6.0 11/2 +45% +45% 2.16 1.83 5th
18:15 Wol (9) Kitten's Dream 10th 1 4.5 50/1 0% 0% 27.0 11.5 10th
18:15 Wol (10) Emperor Dream 9th 2 5.2 25/1 +0% +0% 7.6 4.7 9th
18:15 Wol (11) Exceptionality 8th 1 3.0 66/1 -32% -32% 21.0 6.8 8th
18:45 Wol (1) Minnesota Lad 2nd 2 4.8 15/2 +38% +38% 2.7 1.73 2nd £54.00 £34.60
18:45 Wol (3) One More Wave 6th 3 5.5 5/1 +0% +0% 2.14 1.39 6th
18:45 Wol (4) Whats In The Bag 5th 4 7.8 6/4 +57% +57% 1.37 1.25 5th
18:45 Wol (5) Muscika 4th 3 7.2 9/2 +36% +36% 1.97 1.48 4th £29.60
18:45 Wol (7) Happy Tears 3rd 2 6.5 15/2 +38% +38% 2.58 1.76 3rd £51.60 £35.20
18:45 Wol (8) Local Bay 7th 2 4.3 28/1 +0% +0% 8.2 6.6 7th
18:45 Wol (9) Havana Sky 1st 5 8.7 13/2 -189% -189% 2.24 1.53 1st £280.00 £44.80 £30.60
19:15 Wol (10) Gustav Graves 9th 2 6.5 18/1 +10% +10% 6.2 3.1 9th
19:15 Wol (1) Master Of My Fate 5th 3 8.5 2/1 +64% +64% 1.46 1.2 5th
19:15 Wol (2) Level Up 8th 2 6.5 33/1 -106% -106% 8.2 4.7 8th
19:15 Wol (3) Smooth Silesie 4th 3 7.5 18/1 -157% -157% 5.8 3.5 4th £70.00
19:15 Wol (4) Mumayaz 2nd 3 7.0 7/1 +22% +22% 2.78 2.12 2nd £55.60 £42.40
19:15 Wol (5) Honour Your Dreams 3rd 2 7.5 9/2 +50% +50% 2.08 2.06 3rd £41.60 £41.20
19:15 Wol (6) Darlo Pride 1st 4 8.5 11/4 +50% +50% 1.56 1.37 1st £240.00 £31.20 £27.40
19:15 Wol (7) Havechatma 11th 3 8.0 22/1 -300% -300% 10.0 3.45 11th
19:15 Wol (8) Basholo 7th 3 8.0 28/1 -250% -250% 9.0 5.0 7th
19:15 Wol (9) American Fashion 6th 5 7.5 18/1 -100% -100% 6.8 3.8 6th
19:15 Wol (11) Under Curfew 10th 3 7.0 28/1 -40% -40% 9.4 4.1 10th
19:45 Wol (1) Adace 7th 4 9.0 14/1 -250% -250% 4.2 2.8 7th
19:45 Wol (2) Legend Of Leros 10th 1 4.5 4/1 +50% +50% 2.64 1.87 10th
19:45 Wol (3) My Brother Mike 4th 3 8.0 5/1 +29% +29% 2.48 1.95 4th £39.00
19:45 Wol (4) Light Up Our Stars 3rd 2 6.0 18/1 -29% -29% 6.4 3.55 3rd £128.00 £71.00
19:45 Wol (5) We'renotreallyhere 9th 2 4.0 18/1 -29% -29% 4.0 2.3 9th
19:45 Wol (6) Kodebreaker 6th 2 5.0 28/1 -211% -211% 6.4 3.65 6th
19:45 Wol (7) Inspiring Speeches 5th 3 7.5 9/2 +31% +31% 2.5 1.98 5th
19:45 Wol (8) Boujee Gold 1st 2 5.5 9/1 +55% +55% 6.0 4.9 1st £200.00 £120.00 £98.00
19:45 Wol (9) Storm Asset 11th 2 6.5 14/1 +13% +13% 5.3 3.65 11th
19:45 Wol (10) Forever Proud 2nd 5 8.5 4/1 -20% -20% 2.1 1.46 2nd £42.00 £29.20
19:45 Wol (11) Damoiseau 8th 2 6.5 12/1 +0% +0% 3.65 3.3 8th
20:15 Wol (1) The Spotlight Kid 3rd 4 8.5 13/2 -86% -86% 2.16 1.76 3rd £43.20 £35.20
20:15 Wol (2) Voltaic 5th 3 7.5 9/1 -29% -29% 2.76 2.78 5th
20:15 Wol (3) Overnight Oats 1st 5 9.0 7/4 +0% +0% 1.44 1.14 1st £160.00 £28.80 £22.80
20:15 Wol (4) Harry The Haggler 2nd 3 7.5 2/1 +67% +67% 1.52 1.22 2nd £30.40 £24.40
20:15 Wol (5) Beautiful Dawn 9th 2 5.0 66/1 -32% -32% 20.0 9.2 9th
20:15 Wol (6) Doctor Awtaad 7th 3 6.0 33/1 -32% -32% 9.8 4.0 7th
20:15 Wol (7) Buttercross Flyer 4th 2 6.5 14/1 +30% +30% 4.0 3.6 4th £72.00
20:15 Wol (8) Eccentric 8th 3 7.0 16/1 +0% +0% 5.6 3.45 8th
20:15 Wol (9) Lupset Flossy Pop 10th 3 6.5 28/1 -40% -40% 9.8 4.1 10th
20:15 Wol (10) Bishop's Glory 6th 3 6.0 16/1 -33% -33% 4.3 2.88 6th

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