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Hereford Runners

Race Horse Result Betting Top Points Rating ChatGPT Rating TomForm Rating Speed Rating OR Rating Odds Odds Mov TP TP Mov TBP TBP Mov Result Win Betting TP Betting TBP Betting
11:58 Her (1) No Questions Asked 1st 4 7.5 3/1 -71% -71% 1st £80.00 £0.00
11:58 Her (2) Strong Foundations 3rd 4 8.5 7/2 +30% +30% 3rd £0.00
11:58 Her (3) Big Ginge 2nd 100 5 9.0 8/13 +51% +51% 2nd £0.00
11:58 Her (4) Camacho Man 7th 2 5.0 66/1 -32% -32% 7th
11:58 Her (5) Dartman 6th 50 2 5.0 125/1 -279% -279% 6th
11:58 Her (6) Kick For Touch 10th 2 3.0 200/1 -700% -700% 10th
11:58 Her (7) King Ulanda 5th 3 7.0 25/1 -233% -233% 5th
11:58 Her (8) Maryah Island |RR| 1 2.0 250/1 -67% -67% |RR|
11:58 Her (9) Master Dunraven 12th 2 6.0 80/1 -300% -300% 12th
11:58 Her (10) Rochester Brinks 11th 1 3.0 250/1 -150% -150% 11th
11:58 Her (11) Shabano 8th 2 4.0 150/1 -50% -50% 8th
11:58 Her (12) Slide Rule 4th 2 6.5 16/1 +20% +20% 4th £0.00
11:58 Her (13) Cinderello 9th 1 2.0 200/1 -203% -203% 9th
11:58 Her (14) Damzon |U| 1 4.0 150/1 -50% -50% |U|
12:28 Her (1) Iddergem 12th 2 5.4 80/1 -300% -300% 12th
12:28 Her (2) Jim De Sarti 8th 2 4.2 16/1 -113% -113% 8th
12:28 Her (3) Gwennie May Star 11th 4 6.1 22/1 -175% -175% 11th
12:28 Her (4) Goodwin Face 7th 33 4 7.3 11/2 -38% -38% 7th
12:28 Her (5) Lucky Draw |PU| 2 4.1 100/1 -400% -400% |PU|
12:28 Her (6) Scherbobalob 5th 5 6.9 11/1 +8% +8% 5th £0.00
12:28 Her (7) Culligran 3rd 3 7.5 6/1 +14% +14% 3rd £0.00
12:28 Her (8) Penna Rossa 9th 50 4 8.2 4/1 +11% +11% 9th
12:28 Her (9) By The Grace 2nd 100 2 5.8 9/2 +78% +78% 2nd £0.00
12:28 Her (10) Timeforarum 1st 3 6.7 9/1 +64% +64% 1st £200.00 £0.00
12:28 Her (11) Baikal 6th 2 4.8 22/1 +56% +56% 6th
12:28 Her (12) Greenways 4th 33 4 8.6 4/1 +0% +0% 4th £0.00
12:28 Her (13) Mind Hunter 13th 2 2.5 66/1 -32% -32% 13th
12:28 Her (14) Fan Magnet 14th 1 3.7 50/1 -52% -52% 14th
12:28 Her (16) Grandmaster Flash 10th 1 3.0 66/1 -32% -32% 10th
13:03 Her (1) Laskalin 3rd 67 3 6.4 4/1 +50% +50% 3rd £0.00
13:03 Her (2) Not Sure 5th 4 7.8 9/2 -29% -29% 5th
13:03 Her (3) Just Loose Change |PU| 33 3 8.5 13/2 -136% -136% |PU|
13:03 Her (4) Face D'music 4th 33 5 9.2 3/1 -9% -9% 4th
13:03 Her (5) Gats And Co 2nd 2 5.1 28/1 -12% -12% 2nd £0.00
13:03 Her (6) Muskoka 1st 3 8.3 5/2 +38% +38% 1st £120.00 £0.00
13:03 Her (7) Pontresina |PU| 2 4.3 125/1 -89% -89% |PU|
13:38 Her (1) Sacre Coeur |PU| 3 8.6 25/1 -257% -257% |PU|
13:38 Her (2) Lady Balko 1st 3 8.5 5/2 +50% +50% 1st £120.00 £0.00
13:38 Her (3) My Silver Lining 3rd 3 7.9 20/1 -43% -43% 3rd £0.00
13:38 Her (4) La Domaniale |PU| 2 7.8 66/1 -313% -313% |PU|
13:38 Her (5) Regatta De Blanc 4th 5 8.3 11/4 +31% +31% 4th £0.00
13:38 Her (6) Glimpse Of Gala |PU| 2 6.9 50/1 -355% -355% |PU|
13:38 Her (7) Lilting Verse |PU| 2 7.2 22/1 -57% -57% |PU|
13:38 Her (8) Moonlit Potter |PU| 3 8.7 7/2 +50% +50% |PU|
13:38 Her (9) Tune The Chello |PU| 1 6.2 100/1 -300% -300% |PU|
13:38 Her (10) Harrys Hope |PU| 4 8.8 11/2 +31% +31% |PU|
13:38 Her (11) Ah Whisht |PU| 1 6.5 22/1 -10% -10% |PU|
13:38 Her (12) Lagonda 2nd 3 7.5 16/1 -45% -45% 2nd £0.00
13:38 Her (13) Jessie Lightfoot 5th 2 8.1 20/1 -43% -43% 5th
14:13 Her (1) Nemean Lion 1st 5 8.5 11/8 +8% +8% 1.32 1st £240.00 £26.40 £0.00
14:13 Her (2) Stoner's Choice betfair ladbrokes 0
14:13 Her (3) Below The Radar 4th 4 7.5 11/8 +45% +45% 1.58 4th
14:13 Her (4) Lemoncello 2nd 3 6.5 4/1 +43% +43% 1.87 2nd £37.40 £0.00
14:13 Her (6) Maasai Mara 3rd 3 7.0 33/1 -65% -65% 9.6 3rd £0.00
14:48 Her (1) Famoso 4th 4 9.7 7/2 +13% +13% 1.62 4th £0.00
14:48 Her (2) Salt Rock 1st 3 7.2 9/2 +36% +36% 2.42 1st £200.00 £48.40 £0.00
14:48 Her (3) Paddy In The Caddy 2nd 5 8.9 11/4 +17% +17% 1.64 2nd £32.80 £0.00
14:48 Her (4) Limetree Boy 8th 3 6.5 22/1 -159% -159% 6.2 8th
14:48 Her (5) Largy Force 3rd 3 8.5 3/1 +54% +54% 1.93 3rd £38.60 £0.00
14:48 Her (6) Dromlac Jury 7th 3 8.2 8/1 +0% +0% 3.0 7th
14:48 Her (7) Fay Ce Que Voudras 6th 3 6.8 18/1 -13% -13% 4.9 6th
14:48 Her (8) Abaya Du Mathan 5th 3 5.1 25/1 -79% -79% 5.5 5th
15:23 Her (6) Risky Spin |PU| 4 6.5 8/1 -78% -78% 3.45 2.42 |PU|
15:23 Her (8) Secret Sniper 2nd 5 8.5 15/8 +32% +32% 1.57 1.39 2nd £31.40 £27.80
15:23 Her (10) Through The Storm 4th 3 7.5 11/1 -38% -38% 4.3 2.94 4th £58.80

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