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Haydock Runners

Race Horse Result Betting Top Points Rating ChatGPT Rating TomForm Rating Speed Rating OR Rating Odds Odds Mov TP TP Mov TBP TBP Mov Result Win Betting TP Betting TBP Betting
11:45 Hay (1) Barrowdale 2nd 3 7.5 5/1 -25% -25% 2nd
11:45 Hay (2) Classic Maestro 1st 5 9.5 1/10 +50% +50% 1st £40.00
12:20 Hay (1) Hurricane Ali 4th 2 4.0 14/1 -40% -40% 4th
12:20 Hay (2) Honneur D'ajonc 2nd 5 6.0 10/3 +5% +5% 2nd £0.00
12:20 Hay (3) Lupus Regem 5th 1 5.0 33/1 -175% -175% 5th
12:20 Hay (4) Speed Davis 7th 3 7.0 5/4 +69% +69% 7th
12:20 Hay (5) Medieval Gold 3rd 4 8.0 7/1 -250% -250% 3rd £0.00
12:20 Hay (6) Gege Ville 1st 3 6.5 15/2 -50% -50% 1st £320.00 £0.00
12:20 Hay (7) Dalileo 6th 3 7.0 12/1 +25% +25% 6th
12:55 Hay (1) Fromheretoeternity |F| 4 7.5 6/1 -50% -50% |F|
12:55 Hay (2) Holloway Queen 1st 5 8.3 4/5 +4% +4% 1st £100.00
12:55 Hay (4) Millie Supreme 4th 2 7.1 7/1 +30% +30% 4th
12:55 Hay (5) My Kiwi Girl 3rd 2 6.8 16/1 +36% +36% 3rd
13:30 Hay (1) Netywell |PU| 3 7.5 4/1 +0% +0% |PU|
13:30 Hay (2) Xcitations 3rd 3 6.5 15/2 +38% +38% 3rd £0.00
13:30 Hay (3) Red Rookie 6th 3 7.0 13/2 +41% +41% 6th
13:30 Hay (4) Cerendipity 2nd 4 9.0 11/2 +8% +8% 2nd £0.00
13:30 Hay (5) Royal Mer 5th 2 6.0 9/1 -13% -13% 5th
13:30 Hay (6) Findthetime |PU| 2 6.0 12/1 -9% -9% |PU|
13:30 Hay (7) Intimate 4th 5 8.5 10/3 -48% -48% 4th £0.00
13:30 Hay (8) Sunnyvilla 1st 3 7.5 13/2 +7% +7% 1st £280.00 £0.00
14:05 Hay (1) Famous Bridge 3rd 4 8.3 10/3 -11% -11% 1.9 3rd £38.00 £0.00
14:05 Hay (2) Frenchy Du Large |PU| 3 8.0 10/1 -82% -82% 3.45 |PU|
14:05 Hay (3) Regal Blue |PU| 3 7.2 7/1 +22% +22% 2.92 |PU|
14:05 Hay (4) Egbert 1st 3 6.8 16/1 -33% -33% 5.0 1st £340.00 £100.00 £0.00
14:05 Hay (5) Percussion 5th 3 7.7 12/1 +14% +14% 3.75 5th
14:05 Hay (6) Credo 4th 3 7.5 7/1 +0% +0% 2.72 4th £0.00
14:05 Hay (7) East Street |PU| 5 8.5 7/2 +30% +30% 1.95 |PU|
14:05 Hay (8) Diol Ker 6th 2 6.5 40/1 -21% -21% 12.5 6th
14:05 Hay (9) Jacks Parrot 2nd 3 7.0 4/1 +43% +43% 2.16 2nd £43.20 £0.00
14:40 Hay (1) Milldam 1st 3 6.5 5/2 +58% +58% 1.57 1st £120.00 £31.40 £0.00
14:40 Hay (2) Rewired 8th 2 5.7 14/1 +36% +36% 4.3 8th
14:40 Hay (4) Admiralty House 3rd 3 7.2 16/1 -146% -146% 4.9 3rd £98.00 £0.00
14:40 Hay (5) Bertie's Ballet 2nd 3 6.8 9/2 +36% +36% 1.43 2nd £28.60 £0.00
14:40 Hay (6) Lune De La Mer 7th 5 7.0 18/1 -300% -300% 5.4 7th
14:40 Hay (7) Coventry 6th 3 6.3 20/1 -100% -100% 4.2 6th
14:40 Hay (8) Bashful 5th 2 5.2 11/1 +39% +39% 3.85 5th
15:15 Hay (1) Supremely West 1st 5 9.0 7/2 +36% +36% 2.0 1.57 1st £160.00 £40.00 £31.40
15:15 Hay (2) The Imposter |PU| 2 7.0 14/1 -40% -40% 4.6 2.94 |PU|
15:15 Hay (3) Castle Rushen 3rd 3 8.5 11/2 -10% -10% 2.58 1.76 3rd £51.60 £35.20
15:15 Hay (5) Magical King 2nd 4 7.5 11/4 +45% +45% 1.78 1.43 2nd £35.60 £28.60
15:15 Hay (7) Wasdell Dundalk |PU| 2 7.5 50/1 -127% -127% 12.0 4.3 |PU|
15:15 Hay (8) Champ Royal 5th 2 8.0 33/1 -136% -136% 6.2 4.8 5th
15:15 Hay (9) Our Sam |PU| 2 6.5 20/1 -43% -43% 4.9 3.35 |PU|
15:15 Hay (10) Stratton Oakmont |PU| 3 8.0 4/1 +71% +71% 1.93 1.6 |PU|
15:15 Hay (11) Half Track 4th 4 8.5 6/1 +40% +40% 2.3 1.7 4th £34.00

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