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Southwell Runners

Race Horse Result Betting Top Points Rating ChatGPT Rating TomForm Rating Speed Rating OR Rating Odds Odds Mov TP TP Mov TBP TBP Mov Result Win Betting TP Betting TBP Betting
16:15 Sou (1) Tiempo Alegre 1st 3 8.0 7/2 +22% +22% 1st £160.00
16:15 Sou (2) Never The Twain 10th 2 4.5 18/1 -29% -29% 10th
16:15 Sou (3) Missile Mac 4th 5 5.5 13/2 +0% +0% 4th
16:15 Sou (4) Impatiently 6th 3 6.5 11/2 +15% +15% 6th
16:15 Sou (5) Fiery Angel 3rd 2 4.0 66/1 -100% -100% 3rd
16:15 Sou (6) Sarabi 5th 3 6.5 14/1 -40% -40% 5th
16:15 Sou (7) Cuda Been A Rowlex 9th 2 5.0 5/1 +69% +69% 9th
16:15 Sou (8) Kaleidoscope Eyes 2nd 3 7.5 7/2 +42% +42% 2nd
16:15 Sou (9) Invincible Love 7th 4 7.0 11/1 -100% -100% 7th
16:15 Sou (10) Born Too Run 8th 4 8.0 12/1 -85% -85% 8th
16:45 Sou (1) Eligible 3rd 3 8.5 10/3 +5% +5% 3rd
16:45 Sou (2) Federal Envoy 1st 2 7.0 15/2 +53% +53% 1st £320.00
16:45 Sou (3) Thorntonledale Max 5th 2 6.0 12/1 +0% +0% 5th
16:45 Sou (4) South Kensington 9th 2 5.0 66/1 -65% -65% 9th
16:45 Sou (5) King Of Ithaca 2nd 4 9.0 11/4 -10% -10% 2nd
16:45 Sou (7) Visibility 7th 3 6.5 16/1 -33% -33% 7th
16:45 Sou (8) Lord Rapscallion 4th 5 7.5 9/4 +10% +10% 4th
16:45 Sou (9) Autumn Rose 6th 3 8.0 16/1 -146% -146% 6th
16:45 Sou (10) Cable Beach 8th 2 4.0 100/1 -100% -100% 8th
17:15 Sou (1) Starshiba 6th 2 7.4 11/2 -38% -38% 6th
17:15 Sou (2) Harry Magnus 7th 2 6.5 22/1 -10% -10% 7th
17:15 Sou (3) Bella Bisbee 1st 3 6.8 8/1 +11% +11% 1st £180.00
17:15 Sou (4) King David 2nd 5 7.5 11/10 +51% +51% 2nd
17:15 Sou (6) Kit Gabriel 4th 3 7.2 12/1 -9% -9% 4th
17:15 Sou (7) Woodleigh 5th 3 6.9 12/1 +40% +40% 5th
17:15 Sou (8) Profit Street 3rd 3 7.1 9/1 -13% -13% 3rd
17:15 Sou (9) Toussarok 8th 4 7.3 8/1 -129% -129% 8th
17:45 Sou (1) Barenboim 2nd 3 6.5 12/1 -118% -118% 2nd
17:45 Sou (2) Heathen 4th 4 8.5 6/5 +36% +36% 4th
17:45 Sou (3) Alrazeen 1st 5 9.0 5/2 -43% -43% 1st £120.00
17:45 Sou (4) Le Rouge Chinois 5th 3 6.0 5/1 +33% +33% 5th
17:45 Sou (5) Clockmaker 3rd 2 5.5 7/1 +7% +7% 3rd
18:15 Sou (1) Fiorella Princess 5th 3 8.6 12/1 -118% -118% 5th
18:15 Sou (2) Solvency 1st 3 8.5 12/1 -71% -71% 1st £260.00
18:15 Sou (3) Farandaway 2nd 3 8.2 8/1 +0% +0% 2nd
18:15 Sou (4) Commander Atkinson 12th 3 7.5 10/3 +58% +58% 12th
18:15 Sou (5) Sonic Si 6th 4 7.2 14/1 -27% -27% 6th
18:15 Sou (6) Flicka's Girl 7th 2 6.5 25/1 0% 0% 7th
18:15 Sou (7) Solar Edge 9th 4 9.3 16/1 -146% -146% 9th
18:15 Sou (8) Forager 4th 3 8.4 16/1 -129% -129% 4th
18:15 Sou (9) Natsumi 10th 5 7.8 16/1 -191% -191% 10th
18:15 Sou (10) Toolatetonegotiate 3rd 3 7.6 20/1 +9% +9% 3rd
18:15 Sou (11) Loudan 8th 2 6.9 22/1 -38% -38% 8th
18:15 Sou (12) The Vital Spark 11th 4 8.1 85/40 +72% +72% 11th
18:45 Sou (1) Big Time Rascal 7th 2 5.5 28/1 -273% -273% 7th
18:45 Sou (2) Crowd Quake 6th 2 4.5 18/1 +10% +10% 6th
18:45 Sou (3) Destiny Maker 9th 2 3.5 150/1 -200% -200% 9th
18:45 Sou (4) Popular Dream 1st 3 6.5 1/1 +83% +83% 1st £40.00
18:45 Sou (5) Prince Elliot 12th 1 4.5 200/1 -100% -100% 12th
18:45 Sou (6) Shades Of May 5th 2 5.5 40/1 -60% -60% 5th
18:45 Sou (7) American Fashion 2nd 3 5.5 11/2 -10% -10% 2nd
18:45 Sou (8) Angel Of Mather's 11th 1 4.0 100/1 0% 0% 11th
18:45 Sou (9) Elegant Call 4th 5 7.5 7/2 -56% -56% 4th
18:45 Sou (10) Kohana Girl 8th 3 5.5 18/1 -29% -29% 8th
18:45 Sou (11) Rebel Star 3rd 4 7.5 13/2 -103% -103% 3rd
18:45 Sou (12) Wild Eyed Girl 10th 1 4.0 40/1 +60% +60% 10th
19:15 Sou (1) Counsel 6th 3 5.5 20/1 -300% -300% 6th
19:15 Sou (2) Last Outlaw 4th 3 6.0 4/1 +47% +47% 4th
19:15 Sou (3) One More Wave 7th 4 6.8 7/2 +13% +13% 7th
19:15 Sou (4) Above 3rd 3 4.8 11/1 +31% +31% 3rd
19:15 Sou (5) Papa Cocktail 4th 2 4.2 18/1 +45% +45% 4th
19:15 Sou (6) Rodborough 9th 2 4.0 22/1 +27% +27% 9th
19:15 Sou (7) Jeans Maite 10th 2 5.2 20/1 +20% +20% 10th
19:15 Sou (8) Smooth Silesie 2nd 3 6.5 16/1 -146% -146% 2nd
19:15 Sou (9) Master Of My Fate 1st 5 7.2 5/2 -11% -11% 1st £120.00
19:15 Sou (10) Secret Mistral 8th 3 5.9 15/2 -7% -7% 8th
19:45 Sou (1) Alexander James 6th 3 7.0 6/1 +14% +14% 6th
19:45 Sou (3) Northern Cracksman 2nd 3 6.5 13/2 +0% +0% 2nd
19:45 Sou (4) Cherry Hill 7th 5 7.8 10/1 -82% -82% 7th
19:45 Sou (5) The Toff 11th 2 4.0 80/1 -60% -60% 11th
19:45 Sou (6) United Force 1st 3 8.0 6/1 -9% -9% 1st £140.00
19:45 Sou (7) Upper Hand 9th 4 7.2 18/1 -125% -125% 9th
19:45 Sou (8) Twistaline 3rd 2 5.5 14/1 +30% +30% 3rd
19:45 Sou (9) Vanity Pays 10th 3 4.5 28/1 -75% -75% 10th
19:45 Sou (10) Shaka 5th 3 6.0 11/1 +8% +8% 5th
19:45 Sou (11) So Chic 8th 2 5.0 50/1 -127% -127% 8th
19:45 Sou (12) Just Typical 4th 4 8.5 5/4 +64% +64% 4th
20:15 Sou (1) Monsieur Beaulieu 2nd 5 9.5 5/2 +25% +25% 2nd
20:15 Sou (2) Tyger Bay 3rd 3 7.8 6/1 +20% +20% 3rd
20:15 Sou (3) Jump The Gun 8th 2 6.3 28/1 -100% -100% 8th
20:15 Sou (4) Showtime Mahomes 4th 3 7.5 5/2 +75% +75% 4th
20:15 Sou (5) Airshow 6th 2 6.6 17/2 +23% +23% 6th
20:15 Sou (6) Gogo Yubari 7th 2 7.1 25/1 -213% -213% 7th
20:15 Sou (7) Yorkstone 12th 1 6.8 14/1 +0% +0% 12th
20:15 Sou (8) First Company 9th 3 7.4 33/1 -230% -230% 9th
20:15 Sou (9) Kingwood Queen 11th 2 6.9 66/1 -100% -100% 11th
20:15 Sou (10) Amaysmont 5th 3 7.2 16/1 -33% -33% 5th
20:15 Sou (11) No Saint 10th 3 8.2 28/1 -273% -273% 10th
20:15 Sou (12) Ormolulu 1st 4 8.1 13/2 -8% -8% 1st £280.00

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