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Handicap Runners

Race Horse Result Betting Top Points Rating ChatGPT Rating TomForm Rating Speed Rating OR Rating Odds Odds Mov TP TP Mov TBP TBP Mov Result Win Betting TP Betting TBP Betting
11:47 New (1) Three Platoon 8th 3 5.0 28/1 -40% -40% 6.6 2.16 8th
11:47 New (2) Galahad Threepwood 5th 4 7.0 5/1 -11% -11% 1.98 1.53 5th
11:47 New (3) Laudable 7th 5 7.5 4/1 +11% +11% 1.75 1.47 7th
11:47 New (4) Annandale 4th 67 3 6.5 10/1 +38% +38% 2.84 2.0 4th £40.00
11:47 New (5) Swinging London 1st 33 4 8.5 10/11 +34% +34% 1.24 1.13 1st £220.00 £24.80 £22.60
11:47 New (6) Maguire 9th 2 4.0 100/1 -203% -203% 23.0 7.6 9th
11:47 New (7) Bamboo Bay 6th 2 5.0 33/1 +0% +0% 8.8 4.7 6th
11:47 New (8) Letmeseethecolts 2nd 3 6.0 14/1 -17% -17% 4.5 2.94 2nd £90.00 £58.80
11:47 New (9) Visitant 3rd 100 3 6.5 14/1 -40% -40% 3.6 2.36 3rd £72.00 £47.20
12:35 Tau (1) Impecunious 12th 2 5.5 11/1 +31% +31% 3.35 2.26 12th
12:35 Tau (2) Taritino 6th 4 7.8 12/1 -50% -50% 5.3 3.75 6th
12:35 Tau (3) Siam Park |U| 3 6.2 12/1 +25% +25% 4.5 2.4 |U|
12:35 Tau (4) As Fast As Wind 5th 3 6.5 40/1 -100% -100% 12.0 3.95 5th
12:35 Tau (5) El Vigaro 1st 3 8.5 11/2 -100% -100% 2.34 2.1 1st £240.00 £46.80 £42.00
12:35 Tau (6) Basilette 7th 3 6.8 66/1 -164% -164% 18.0 8.4 7th
12:35 Tau (7) Kotari 3rd 33 5 7.5 5/4 +72% +72% 1.4 1.34 3rd £28.00 £26.80
12:35 Tau (8) Getmetothemoon 2nd 67 3 7.0 6/1 +40% +40% 2.6 2.16 2nd £52.00 £43.20
12:35 Tau (9) Card Dealer 10th 3 7.2 16/1 -100% -100% 6.4 3.75 10th
12:35 Tau (10) Badlands Boy 11th 3 7.3 20/1 -43% -43% 5.9 4.1 11th
12:35 Tau (11) Zufal 9th 2 4.0 125/1 -150% -150% 50.0 12.0 9th
12:35 Tau (12) Basman Palace 8th 1 4.5 50/1 +24% +24% 20.0 2.26 8th
12:35 Tau (14) Mini Yeats 4th 150 2 4.0 9/1 +73% +73% 3.3 1.77 4th £35.40
12:47 New (1) Asgard's Captain 1st 5 13/8 +19% +19% 1.48 1.21 1st £280.00 £29.60 £24.20
12:47 New (2) Knockbrex 3rd 3 11/1 +8% +8% 2.98 2.06 3rd £59.60 £41.20
12:47 New (3) Chuzzlewit 7th 2 5.0 11/1 +31% +31% 3.45 1.99 7th
12:47 New (4) Woodstock City 5th 3 25/1 -56% -56% 7.0 3.45 5th
12:47 New (5) Wonder 4th 4 8.5 7/2 +22% +22% 1.79 1.46 4th £29.20
12:47 New (6) Shimmering Sands 6th 4 13/2 +7% +7% 2.44 2.1 6th
12:47 New (8) Something 2nd 3 7.5 9/1 -80% -80% 2.96 1.86 2nd £59.20 £37.20
12:47 New (9) Up The Jazz 8th 2 8/1 +43% +43% 3.4 1.5 8th
13:17 New (1) Urban Road 4th 5 8.8 4/1 -60% -60% 1.7 1.43 4th £28.60
13:17 New (2) No Nay Nicki 7th 3 6.2 10/1 -43% -43% 2.82 1.72 7th
13:17 New (3) Federated 2nd 4 8.5 5/6 +72% +72% 1.33 1.23 2nd £26.60 £24.60
13:17 New (4) Midnight Lion 1st 3 6.5 16/1 -60% -60% 3.85 2.26 1st £340.00 £77.00 £45.20
13:17 New (5) Dundory 9th 1 3.0 125/1 -150% -150% 29.0 6.6 9th
13:17 New (6) Triple Force 5th 4 7.2 15/2 -88% -88% 2.1 1.46 5th
13:17 New (7) Hot Team 6th 4 7.0 50/1 -400% -400% 7.2 4.8 6th
13:17 New (8) Tiger Trap 8th 2 4.0 11/1 +45% +45% 3.5 2.5 8th
13:17 New (9) Blackstone Cliff 3rd 2 5.5 28/1 -40% -40% 6.0 3.65 3rd £120.00 £73.00
13:25 War (1) Skycutter 1st 33 5 8.5 6/4 +8% +8% 1.6 1.25 1st £140.00 £32.00 £25.00
13:25 War (2) The Good Doctor 2nd 3 6.5 5/1 +0% +0% 2.7 1.81 2nd £54.00 £36.20
13:25 War (3) Onethreefivenotout 6th 3 5.5 8/1 -60% -60% 5.4 2.16 6th
13:25 War (4) Damarta 4th 67 4 7.5 4/1 +0% +0% 2.5 1.7 4th
13:25 War (5) Lucky Lugger 3rd 33 3 8.0 9/2 +25% +25% 2.32 1.65 3rd £33.00
13:25 War (6) Seasett 5th 2 3.5 33/1 +18% +18% 8.0 5.7 5th
13:47 New (1) Russian Virtue 7th 2 7.2 40/1 -233% -233% 11.0 3.75 7th
13:47 New (2) Alpine Sierra 1st 3 6.3 6/1 +14% +14% 2.36 1.69 1st £140.00 £47.20 £33.80
13:47 New (3) Powerful Response 2nd 4 6.5 10/3 +33% +33% 1.81 1.25 2nd £36.20 £25.00
13:47 New (4) Rock Armour 3rd 5 7.5 9/4 +10% +10% 1.5 1.33 3rd £30.00 £26.60
13:47 New (5) Budding 9th 3 6.1 40/1 -471% -471% 12.0 3.85 9th
13:47 New (6) Arranmore 8th 2 5.5 40/1 -60% -60% 6.8 5.0 8th
13:47 New (7) Rampant 4th 4 7.8 11/2 +15% +15% 2.18 1.88 4th £37.60
13:47 New (8) Gemini Man 5th 3 6.8 4/1 +38% +38% 2.16 1.96 5th
13:47 New (9) Lady Phoebe 6th 2 6.2 18/1 -13% -13% 5.3 3.45 6th
14:05 Tau (1) Florencethemachine 5th 33 4 8.5 3/1 +25% +25% 1.92 1.47 5th
14:05 Tau (2) Law Of Supply 3rd 33 5 9.0 4/1 -20% -20% 2.16 1.42 3rd £43.20 £28.40
14:05 Tau (3) Shy Love 7th 3 7.5 4/1 +33% +33% 2.14 2.02 7th
14:05 Tau (4) De Tellers Fortune 1st 3 7.0 8/1 -78% -78% 3.6 2.22 1st £180.00 £72.00 £44.40
14:05 Tau (5) Hall Lane 8th 2 12/1 -9% -9% 3.85 2.6 8th
14:05 Tau (6) Bertie Wooster 6th 2 6.5 15/2 +46% +46% 2.92 2.0 6th
14:05 Tau (8) Tout Sur Moi 4th 2 9/1 +44% +44% 3.35 2.06 4th £41.20
14:05 Tau (9) Thirtyfour Thirty 9th 2 80/1 -300% -300% 16.0 2.9 9th
14:05 Tau (10) Langley Hundred 2nd 67 3 6.0 10/1 +0% +0% 2.86 2.44 2nd £57.20 £48.80
14:17 New (1) Avalon 4th 3 7.2 9/1 -64% -64% 3.6 2.34 4th £46.80
14:17 New (2) Bantz 5th 2 5.0 8/1 +50% +50% 2.42 1.63 5th
14:17 New (3) Blue Lakota 1st 4 8.5 5/6 +63% +63% 1.26 1.17 1st £120.00 £25.20 £23.40
14:17 New (4) Rex Carver 6th 3 6.8 17/2 +39% +39% 2.54 1.95 6th
14:17 New (5) Final Angel 3rd 2 5.0 12/1 +25% +25% 3.2 1.75 3rd £64.00 £35.00
14:17 New (6) Followeroffashion 7th 3 7.0 6/1 +0% +0% 2.2 1.55 7th
14:17 New (8) Mile By Mile 2nd 2 6.0 40/1 -60% -60% 11.0 5.1 2nd £220.00 £102.00
14:17 New (9) Bella Fortunata 9th 5 8.0 16/1 -300% -300% 4.4 2.48 9th
14:17 New (10) Good Reward 8th 1 4.0 66/1 +0% +0% 13.0 9.6 8th
14:25 War (1) Hooper 9th 3 7.0 33/1 -106% -106% 7.6 4.5 9th
14:25 War (2) Ballybegg 8th 100 3 7.3 14/1 +0% +0% 4.3 2.74 8th
14:25 War (3) Montecam 7th 3 6.8 10/1 -43% -43% 4.0 2.68 7th
14:25 War (4) Moon Over Mexico |PU| 4 8.7 20/1 -300% -300% 4.3 2.56 |PU|
14:25 War (5) Don't Tell Su 2nd 33 4 8.5 4/1 0% 0% 1.53 1.27 2nd £30.60 £25.40
14:25 War (6) Mr Hope Street 1st 67 5 9.2 11/10 +45% +45% 1.17 1.09 1st £240.00 £23.40 £21.80
14:25 War (7) Itsnoteasy 6th 2 6.5 18/1 -29% -29% 5.7 3.9 6th
14:25 War (8) Hardy Fella 5th 2 6.2 40/1 -21% -21% 7.8 6.4 5th
14:25 War (9) Breaking Waves 10th 67 1 5.0 50/1 +0% +0% 14.0 6.4 10th
14:25 War (10) Bredon Hill 3rd 3 7.5 11/1 -38% -38% 4.7 2.94 3rd £94.00 £58.80
14:25 War (11) Jet Marshall 4th 3 8.4 20/1 -25% -25% 6.4 4.1 4th £82.00
14:40 Tau (1) Choccabloc 2nd 5 6.9 3/1 +0% +0% 2.14 1.43 2nd £42.80 £28.60
14:40 Tau (2) Wilful 8th 4 7.5 4/1 +11% +11% 2.18 1.93 8th
14:40 Tau (3) Ilanz 4th 3 6.5 7/1 +13% +13% 2.5 1.92 4th £38.40
14:40 Tau (4) Kamaxos 9th 3 5.6 18/1 -64% -64% 5.5 3.1 9th
14:40 Tau (5) Latin Verse 6th 3 6.8 17/2 -42% -42% 2.58 2.3 6th
14:40 Tau (6) Paso Doble 7th 4 6.3 50/1 -456% -456% 14.5 2.28 7th
14:40 Tau (7) Liverpool Knight 3rd 3 6.7 14/1 -17% -17% 4.0 3.05 3rd £80.00 £61.00
14:40 Tau (8) Getalead 5th 3 7.2 10/3 +17% +17% 1.85 1.35 5th
14:40 Tau (9) Him Malaya 1st 3 4.8 10/1 +50% +50% 3.45 2.04 1st £220.00 £69.00 £40.80
14:52 New (1) Mumcat 11th 2 4.5 33/1 -106% -106% 7.4 4.3 11th
14:52 New (2) Gunnerside 9th 4 7.0 11/4 +63% +63% 1.65 1.31 9th
14:52 New (3) Absolute Dream 5th 3 6.0 9/1 +25% +25% 3.45 1.97 5th
14:52 New (4) Bomb Squad 2nd 3 6.5 17/2 +29% +29% 3.3 2.54 2nd £66.00 £50.80
14:52 New (5) Tommytwohoots 6th 3 6.0 40/1 -233% -233% 17.5 6.6 6th
14:52 New (6) My Boy Jack 8th 4 8.0 5/1 +38% +38% 2.22 1.92 8th
14:52 New (7) Cut To The Chase 1st 3 5.5 7/1 -17% -17% 4.0 2.48 1st £160.00 £80.00 £49.60
14:52 New (9) Autumn Angel 3rd 3 6.0 9/2 +63% +63% 2.58 1.85 3rd £51.60 £37.00
14:52 New (10) Blackcurrent 4th 4 7.5 20/1 -233% -233% 7.8 4.0 4th £80.00
14:52 New (11) Ben Dikduk 10th 2 4.0 25/1 +0% +0% 9.0 6.2 10th
14:52 New (12) Variety Island 7th 5 7.5 7/1 -17% -17% 2.94 2.1 7th
15:00 War (1) Betterforeveryone 7th 133 3 6.5 13/2 -30% -30% 2.48 1.95 7th
15:00 War (2) Walks Like The Man 4th 3 6.5 9/2 +55% +55% 2.36 1.71 4th £34.20
15:00 War (3) Ultra Beat 3rd 4 7.0 4/1 +33% +33% 2.04 1.58 3rd £40.80 £31.60
15:00 War (4) Lady Jago 6th 3 7.0 9/1 -50% -50% 2.74 2.34 6th
15:00 War (5) Tide Times |PU| 2 5.5 100/1 -150% -150% 20.0 7.0 |PU|
15:00 War (6) Roger Rarebit 2nd 3 6.5 25/1 -79% -79% 6.0 3.85 2nd £120.00 £77.00
15:00 War (7) Heard That 5th 4 8.5 11/4 +0% +0% 1.64 1.44 5th
15:00 War (8) New Order 1st 5 7.5 5/1 +50% +50% 2.3 1.54 1st £120.00 £46.00 £30.80
15:00 War (9) Mako Of The Glade 8th 3 6.0 22/1 -214% -214% 8.6 3.2 8th
15:15 Tau (1) Ostrava Du Berlais 1st 5 9.5 1/4 +38% +38% 1.07 1.09 1st £40.00 £21.40 £21.80
15:15 Tau (2) My Mate Polly 2nd 3 8.5 12/1 -167% -167% 3.5 2.02 2nd £70.00 £40.40
15:15 Tau (3) Firefly Lane 4th 4 8.5 9/1 +36% +36% 2.92 1.66 4th
15:15 Tau (5) Lady Ironside 5th 1 4.0 100/1 -203% -203% 34.0 7.4 5th
15:15 Tau (6) Miss Fedora 3rd 2 5.5 13/2 +19% +19% 2.26 1.47 3rd £29.40
15:25 New (1) The Cookstown Cafu 8th 4 7.0 7/2 +42% +42% 2.02 1.72 8th
15:25 New (2) Judgment Call 2nd 3 6.0 6/1 +50% +50% 2.58 2.04 2nd £51.60 £40.80
15:25 New (3) Vibrato 6th 5 7.5 15/2 -15% -15% 3.0 1.94 6th
15:25 New (4) Northern Spirit 4th 3 6.5 17/2 -21% -21% 3.2 2.2 4th £44.00
15:25 New (5) Danielsflyer 9th 3 6.5 40/1 -186% -186% 11.5 4.9 9th
15:25 New (6) Beattie Is Back 3rd 3 7.0 11/2 +21% +21% 2.66 2.06 3rd £53.20 £41.20
15:25 New (7) Swiss Ace 5th 2 4.5 16/1 +0% +0% 5.6 3.25 5th
15:25 New (8) Red Maids 1st 4 8.5 8/1 -191% -191% 3.0 2.4 1st £180.00 £60.00 £48.00
15:25 New (9) Project Geofin 7th 3 9/2 +44% +44% 2.5 1.68 7th
15:25 New (11) Bowman 10th 2 6.0 16/1 +43% +43% 7.2 3.55 10th
15:50 Tau (1) Kendelu 14th 3 6.8 66/1 -230% -230% 15.5 5.7 14th
15:50 Tau (2) Brownstone 5th 2 7.2 11/1 +45% +45% 3.8 2.64 5th £52.80
15:50 Tau (3) Wot You Wearing 6th 3 7.8 8/1 +50% +50% 2.36 2.0 6th
15:50 Tau (4) Despereaux 1st 4 7.5 5/2 +44% +44% 1.44 1.28 1st £120.00 £28.80 £25.60
15:50 Tau (5) Badbury Rings 3rd 3 7.0 25/1 -178% -178% 8.0 3.8 3rd £160.00 £76.00
15:50 Tau (6) No Rematch 10th 2 6.0 40/1 -60% -60% 11.0 6.6 10th
15:50 Tau (7) Chauffeur Driven 12th 3 7.5 18/1 -13% -13% 4.8 3.05 12th
15:50 Tau (8) Broomfield Gale 7th 2 6.5 33/1 -106% -106% 6.8 4.5 7th
15:50 Tau (9) Lock Out 9th 3 8.2 12/1 +14% +14% 3.05 2.0 9th
15:50 Tau (10) Just Four Fame 11th 2 6.2 100/1 -100% -100% 20.0 6.2 11th
15:50 Tau (11) Ugo Bingo |U| 4 7.5 11/2 +15% +15% 2.14 1.73 |U|
15:50 Tau (13) The Dark Edge 4th 3 8.3 17/2 -6% -6% 2.62 2.0 4th £52.40 £40.00
15:50 Tau (14) Happy Index 2nd 5 8.0 4/1 +0% +0% 1.77 1.52 2nd £35.40 £30.40
15:50 Tau (15) Elusiveness 8th 3 6.7 22/1 -120% -120% 4.0 2.5 8th
15:50 Tau (16) R Bernard 13th 2 5.7 66/1 -100% -100% 15.5 6.6 13th
16:00 New (1) Doddie's Impact 1st 2 6.1 17/2 +29% +29% 4.8 3.5 1st £360.00 £96.00 £70.00
16:00 New (3) Fortunate Star 2nd 5 8.5 8/1 -78% -78% 2.78 1.92 2nd £55.60 £38.40
16:00 New (4) Azucena 8th 2 6.3 11/1 +56% +56% 6.0 4.4 8th
16:00 New (5) Better 9th 3 7.9 15/2 +0% +0% 3.5 2.38 9th
16:00 New (6) Tickets 2nd 4 7.8 11/2 +0% +0% 2.4 1.82 2nd £48.00 £36.40
16:00 New (7) Sheriff's Call 11th 2 5.5 25/1 -25% -25% 23.0 10.0 11th
16:00 New (8) The Gay Blade 7th 3 7.5 9/1 -13% -13% 3.5 1.84 7th
16:00 New (9) Rogue De Vega 5th 3 8.3 11/1 -10% -10% 4.5 3.2 5th
16:00 New (10) Show Me Show Me 4th 2 6.7 11/2 +61% +61% 2.6 1.66 4th £33.20
16:00 New (11) Travel Candy 10th 3 6.0 18/1 -29% -29% 7.4 4.2 10th
16:00 New (12) So Grateful 6th 3 8.2 4/1 +33% +33% 1.87 1.71 6th
16:30 Che (1) Meadram 2nd 4 8.5 3/1 +10% +10% 1.56 1.81 2nd £31.20 £36.20
16:30 Che (2) Dan Dee Prince 11th 2 3.0 28/1 -75% -75% 6.2 7.4 11th
16:30 Che (4) First Dynasty 12th 3 6.0 28/1 -75% -75% 10.5 8.8 12th
16:30 Che (5) Mirabello Bay 5th 3 5.0 28/1 -100% -100% 8.0 8.2 5th
16:30 Che (6) Saved Lizzie 4th 4 7.0 15/2 +6% +6% 2.02 3.25 4th
16:30 Che (7) Jenson Benson 6th 3 4.5 3/1 +54% +54% 1.54 2.06 6th
16:30 Che (8) Diffident Spirit 8th 5 6.0 7/1 +0% +0% 1.9 2.66 8th
16:30 Che (9) Star Of St James 10th 3 6.5 18/1 -13% -13% 4.1 5.7 10th
16:30 Che (11) Edvard Grieg 13th 2 2.5 9/2 +72% +72% 1.73 2.26 13th
16:30 Che (12) Morindoo 7th 2 2.0 66/1 -100% -100% 8.6 14.0 7th
16:30 Che (13) Royal Observatory 1st 3 4.5 14/1 +30% +30% 3.95 5.1 1st £300.00 £79.00 £102.00
16:30 Che (14) Reverberation 3rd 2 2.0 33/1 -65% -65% 9.2 3.55 3rd £71.00
16:30 Che (16) Luna Magic 9th 1 3.5 33/1 +0% +0% 6.8 3.9 9th
18:30 Che (1) Borderline Madness 5th 4 7.5 17/2 -89% -89% 2.6 1.95 5th
18:30 Che (2) Flaine 3rd 5 8.5 11/4 -22% -22% 1.73 1.37 3rd £34.60 £27.40
18:30 Che (3) No Release 2nd 4 7.5 5/1 +17% +17% 2.28 1.56 2nd £45.60 £31.20
18:30 Che (4) Aneedah Hero 9th 3 6.0 3/1 +70% +70% 2.18 1.79 9th
18:30 Che (5) Harryella 1st 3 6.5 11/2 +45% +45% 2.24 1.84 1st £240.00 £44.80 £36.80
18:30 Che (6) Perfect Parole 4th 2 6.0 33/1 -18% -18% 10.0 4.6 4th £92.00
18:30 Che (7) Galette 7th 3 7.0 20/1 -150% -150% 5.1 2.84 7th
18:30 Che (8) Just Dawned On Me 10th 3 5.0 80/1 -142% -142% 20.0 1.36 10th
18:30 Che (9) Good Call 6th 3 7.0 15/2 -25% -25% 2.84 2.18 6th
18:30 Che (10) Astroqualis 8th 2 5.5 50/1 -52% -52% 13.0 8.6 8th
19:00 Che (1) Kingdom Come 2nd 4 8.2 7/2 +42% +42% 1.91 1.56 2nd £38.20 £31.20
19:00 Che (2) Diderot 8th 5 8.5 10/1 -100% -100% 3.9 2.16 8th
19:00 Che (3) Empirestateofmind 6th 3 7.8 10/1 -150% -150% 4.1 2.32 6th
19:00 Che (4) Blue Prince 5th 3 8.0 6/1 +8% +8% 2.68 2.04 5th
19:00 Che (5) Mcmanaman 3rd 3 7.1 10/1 +38% +38% 3.95 2.84 3rd £79.00 £56.80
19:00 Che (6) Farasi Lane 9th 3 7.7 13/2 +35% +35% 2.56 1.95 9th
19:00 Che (7) Christian David 4th 3 8.3 5/1 +38% +38% 2.38 1.77 4th £35.40
19:00 Che (8) Sterling Knight 1st 3 6.9 14/1 +0% +0% 4.7 3.6 1st £300.00 £94.00 £72.00
19:00 Che (9) Longlai 7th 3 8.1 13/2 +35% +35% 2.66 1.76 7th
19:30 Che (2) Hidden Pearl 8th 2 6.7 66/1 -100% -100% 15.5 7.2 8th
19:30 Che (3) Sullivan Bay 3rd 5 9.2 11/4 +8% +8% 1.55 1.35 3rd £31.00 £27.00
19:30 Che (5) Dame Sarra 6th 2 6.8 12/1 +0% +0% 4.5 3.6 6th
19:30 Che (6) Arch Legend 4th 3 7.9 9/2 +25% +25% 2.66 1.77 4th £35.40
19:30 Che (7) Arc Zoosve 2nd 4 8.1 3/1 +0% +0% 1.5 1.2 2nd £30.00 £24.00
19:30 Che (8) Carlton 1st 3 7.3 10/3 +52% +52% 1.75 1.42 1st £220.00 £35.00 £28.40
19:30 Che (9) Shaad 7th 3 8.6 17/2 -6% -6% 2.8 1.53 7th
19:30 Che (10) Two Plus Two 5th 2 6.5 22/1 -10% -10% 6.8 4.1 5th
20:00 Che (1) Aberama Gold 2nd 3 7.5 9/4 +44% +44% 2.04 1.54 2nd £40.80 £30.80
20:00 Che (2) Batal Dubai 4th 2 4.5 7/1 +42% +42% 3.75 1.99 4th
20:00 Che (3) Perennial 5th 2 6.5 40/1 -186% -186% 26.0 10.0 5th
20:00 Che (4) Many A Star 3rd 2 4.0 7/1 +56% +56% 4.9 2.26 3rd £45.20
20:00 Che (5) Fiscal Policy 6th 4 8.5 4/1 +0% +0% 2.6 2.2 6th
20:00 Che (7) Hiatus 7th 5 9.0 4/1 -100% -100% 2.78 1.86 7th
20:00 Che (8) Rebel Path 1st 3 6.5 6/1 +14% +14% 3.25 2.38 1st £140.00 £65.00 £47.60
20:30 Che (1) Mighty Nebula 1st 3 6.2 11/4 +45% +45% 1.52 1.4 1st £240.00 £30.40 £28.00
20:30 Che (2) Dashing Roger 7th 2 4.3 22/1 -175% -175% 6.0 2.64 7th
20:30 Che (3) War Chant 4th 3 6.8 4/1 +0% +0% 1.91 1.45 4th £29.00
20:30 Che (4) His Finest Hour 8th 5 8.7 5/1 -43% -43% 2.64 2.1 8th
20:30 Che (5) At Vimeiro 5th 2 5.5 11/4 +63% +63% 1.74 1.45 5th
20:30 Che (6) The Hun 9th 1 2.1 100/1 -150% -150% 10.0 10.5 9th
20:30 Che (7) Etretat 3rd 4 7.2 13/2 -18% -18% 2.38 1.84 3rd £47.60 £36.80
20:30 Che (8) Auguste Lumiere 2nd 2 3.2 33/1 -65% -65% 9.8 6.0 2nd £196.00 £120.00
20:30 Che (9) Myna 6th 2 4.9 25/1 -79% -79% 4.9 2.76 6th

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