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Maiden Runners

Race Horse Result Betting Top Points Rating ChatGPT Rating TomForm Rating Speed Rating OR Rating Odds Odds Mov TP TP Mov TBP TBP Mov Result Win Betting TP Betting TBP Betting
12:35 Sed (1) Code Purple 8th 3 7.5 80/1 -471% -471% 8th
12:35 Sed (2) Idaho Valley 3rd 100 4 8.0 7/2 -40% -40% 3rd £0.00
12:35 Sed (3) Kingston Narcissus 1st 4 8.5 2/1 +27% +27% 1st £60.00 £0.00
12:35 Sed (4) Knight Of Magic 6th 2 4.0 150/1 -50% -50% 6th
12:35 Sed (5) Maghlaak 4th 3 6.5 14/1 -40% -40% 4th £0.00
12:35 Sed (6) Masterminding 9th 1 5.0 250/1 -279% -279% 9th
12:35 Sed (7) Walk In The Valley 5th 1 3.5 200/1 -100% -100% 5th
12:35 Sed (8) Millyupdahilly 7th 3 4.5 50/1 -213% -213% 7th
12:35 Sed (9) Plantaroma 2nd 33 5 9.0 10/11 +44% +44% 2nd £0.00
13:10 Sed (1) Balally Park 4th 3 4.2 16/1 +20% +20% 4th £0.00
13:10 Sed (2) Cringle Burn 6th 2 3.2 200/1 -203% -203% 6th
13:10 Sed (3) Fairly Fulling 8th 3 6.1 50/1 +24% +24% 8th
13:10 Sed (4) Leader Wing 5th 2 4.7 50/1 +50% +50% 5th
13:10 Sed (5) Marquee Lights betfair ladbrokes 3 7.9 SP +100% +100%
13:10 Sed (6) Ridin Solo 3rd 4 7.2 5/2 +17% +17% 3rd £0.00
13:10 Sed (7) Stress Reaction 7th 2 4.0 250/1 -67% -67% 7th
13:10 Sed (8) Takt De Touques 1st 100 5 6.5 2/5 +35% +35% 1st £60.00 £0.00
13:10 Sed (9) Kalista Love 2nd 33 3 5.8 12/1 -85% -85% 2nd £0.00
13:35 Exe (1) Jurancon 2nd 5 8.5 2/5 +40% +40% 2nd £0.00
13:35 Exe (2) Mythical Moon 3rd 4 9.0 7/2 +0% +0% 3rd £0.00
13:35 Exe (3) Break Heart Hill 9th 1 4.0 200/1 +0% +0% 9th
13:35 Exe (4) Disco Davis 5th 4 8.0 22/1 -238% -238% 5th
13:35 Exe (5) George Henry 6th 3 6.5 18/1 -13% -13% 6th
13:35 Exe (6) In Limbo 4th 2 7.0 33/1 +0% +0% 4th £0.00
13:35 Exe (7) Kap Vert 1st 3 7.0 14/1 +44% +44% 1st £300.00 £0.00
13:35 Exe (8) Tractor Jack 10th 2 5.0 125/1 -89% -89% 10th
13:35 Exe (9) U Cant Be Serious 7th 3 7.5 11/1 -22% -22% 7th
13:35 Exe (10) Arctic Blue |PU| 2 4.5 200/1 -100% -100% |PU|
13:35 Exe (11) Mon The Hoops |PU| 1 3.0 250/1 +0% +0% |PU|
13:35 Exe (12) Northern Symphonie 8th 2 6.5 150/1 -50% -50% 8th
13:35 Exe (13) Stylia 11th 3 6.0 125/1 -213% -213% 11th
14:33 San (1) Cadell 5th 4 8.2 11/1 -29% -29% 5th
14:33 San (2) Handstands 1st 4 7.0 5/2 +0% +0% 1st £120.00 £0.00
14:33 San (3) Resplendent Grey 2nd 67 5 9.0 11/8 +31% +31% 2nd £0.00
14:33 San (5) Saint Davy 3rd 3 8.5 4/1 +38% +38% 3rd £0.00
14:33 San (6) Welcom To Cartries 4th 3 7.5 8/1 -100% -100% 4th
17:30 Dun (1) Ardagh Red 1st 5 8.5 5/4 +33% +33% 1st £120.00
17:30 Dun (2) Artic Power 3rd 3 7.8 8/1 +43% +43% 3rd
17:30 Dun (3) Beaune 11th 2 4.0 80/1 -100% -100% 11th
17:30 Dun (4) Glinka 6th 4 9.2 14/1 -155% -155% 6th
17:30 Dun (5) Inns Of Fear 2nd 3 8.3 10/3 -11% -11% 2nd
17:30 Dun (6) Mariner Boy 4th 4 6.5 11/2 -22% -22% 4th
17:30 Dun (7) Palmezzano 5th 2 5.2 7/1 +56% +56% 5th
17:30 Dun (8) Ribee 10th 2 6.8 50/1 -25% -25% 10th
17:30 Dun (9) Chriselli 9th 1 4.3 150/1 -88% -88% 9th
17:30 Dun (10) Final Secret 7th 2 4.7 33/1 +34% +34% 7th
17:30 Dun (11) Haqawi 8th 2 5.9 125/1 -279% -279% 8th
19:30 Dun (1) Disco Boy 7th 2 4.0 40/1 +39% +39% 7th
19:30 Dun (2) Ginnos Port 10th 1 3.0 150/1 -50% -50% 10th
19:30 Dun (3) Dahab 2nd 3 6.0 8/1 +27% +27% 2nd
19:30 Dun (4) Mythical Rock 3rd 3 6.5 3/1 +73% +73% 3rd
19:30 Dun (5) Sportingsilvermine 6th 2 6.0 7/1 +13% +13% 6th
19:30 Dun (6) Suil Awan 11th 1 4.5 125/1 -56% -56% 11th
19:30 Dun (7) Woodlander 8th 2 4.5 125/1 -89% -89% 8th
19:30 Dun (9) Expelliarmus 4th 3 5.5 6/1 -20% -20% 4th
19:30 Dun (10) Bloom Vega 5th 3 7.5 5/2 +44% +44% 5th
19:30 Dun (12) Liltia 1st 4 7.0 3/1 -33% -33% 1st £80.00
19:30 Dun (13) Miss Australie 9th 2 5.0 80/1 -142% -142% 9th

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