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Maiden Runners

Race Horse Result Betting Top Points Rating ChatGPT Rating TomForm Rating Speed Rating OR Rating Odds Odds Mov TP TP Mov TBP TBP Mov Result Win Betting TP Betting TBP Betting
13:30 Fon (1) All Authorized 1st 133 5 8.5 8/15 +34% +34% 1st £180.00
13:30 Fon (2) American Land 9th 3 6.5 4/1 +0% +0% 9th
13:30 Fon (3) Dontaskchris |RR| 1 2.5 200/1 -100% -100% |RR|
13:30 Fon (4) Electric Jet 4th 3 7.2 9/2 +25% +25% 4th
13:30 Fon (5) Locked On 5th 2 2.7 150/1 -127% -127% 5th
13:30 Fon (6) Lumi Plugin 2nd 2 6.8 20/1 -100% -100% 2nd
13:30 Fon (7) Maryah Island |RR| 1 1.5 150/1 -50% -50% |RR|
13:30 Fon (9) Snapdance 3rd 3 5.5 25/1 -257% -257% 3rd
13:30 Fon (10) Stardhem 6th 2 4.3 50/1 -317% -317% 6th
13:30 Fon (11) The Orchard Boy |PU| 1 2.0 200/1 -100% -100% |PU|
13:30 Fon (12) Drishogue |F| 2 3.2 150/1 -50% -50% |F|
13:30 Fon (13) Gotthereintheend 8th 1 3.8 28/1 +58% +58% 8th
13:30 Fon (14) Sullivan Bay 7th 1 2.1 150/1 -355% -355% 7th
13:42 New (1) Ant Colony 6th 3 7.7 8/1 +60% +60% 6th
13:42 New (2) Hawaiian 1st 3 8.0 11/8 +85% +85% 1st £240.00
13:42 New (3) Rashabar 3rd 3 8.3 12/1 -50% -50% 3rd
13:42 New (4) Reposado 7th 4 9.2 9/1 -227% -227% 7th
13:42 New (5) Star Anthem 2nd 3 7.8 8/1 +20% +20% 2nd
13:42 New (6) Tropical Storm 5th 5 8.6 17/2 -143% -143% 5th
13:42 New (7) Running Queen 4th 3 8.5 9/2 -80% -80% 4th
13:42 New (8) Spring 8th 3 9.0 16/1 -129% -129% 8th
13:50 Ayr (1) Anamanda 4th 2 4.2 33/1 +18% +18% 4th
13:50 Ayr (2) Blue Clover |PU| 2 4.0 50/1 -150% -150% |PU|
13:50 Ayr (3) Dorcas Road 5th 1 3.5 50/1 +0% +0% 5th
13:50 Ayr (4) Innatendue 3rd 4 6.5 11/10 +33% +33% 3rd
13:50 Ayr (5) Lily Du Berlais 1st 4 6.8 5/2 -33% -33% 1st £120.00
13:50 Ayr (6) Raynbo |PU| 2 2.0 200/1 -300% -300% |PU|
13:50 Ayr (7) Shakeyatailfeather 2nd 5 7.5 11/4 -46% -46% 2nd
14:42 New (1) Ardara Rose 11th 1 6.5 150/1 -50% -50% 11th
14:42 New (2) Balletic 5th 2 7.2 10/1 +60% +60% 5th
14:42 New (4) Beeley betfair ladbrokes 100 5 8.5 5/2 +9% +9%
14:42 New (5) Bittalemon 6th 100 3 8.7 15/2 -36% -36% 6th
14:42 New (6) Cavriana 14th 1 6.0 150/1 -50% -50% 14th
14:42 New (7) Chelsea Flower 13th 3 8.4 33/1 +0% +0% 13th
14:42 New (8) Galaxy Princess 9th 3 8.9 18/1 +10% +10% 9th
14:42 New (9) Hope Rising 10th 1 7.0 50/1 +24% +24% 10th
14:42 New (10) Lasting Love 3rd 67 4 8.8 10/3 +39% +39% 3rd
14:42 New (11) Magic Dream 2nd 67 4 9.0 7/1 -155% -155% 2nd
14:42 New (12) Miss Alpilles 4th 3 7.5 18/1 -29% -29% 4th
14:42 New (13) Molten Sea 8th 3 8.6 14/1 +13% +13% 8th
14:42 New (14) Panthera 7th 2 8.7 33/1 +0% +0% 7th
14:42 New (15) Seamore 12th 3 8.3 17/2 -13% -13% 12th
14:42 New (16) Sinology 1st 2 7.8 25/1 +0% +0% 1st £520.00
16:25 Exe (1) Brave Ruler 9th 1 4.0 100/1 -52% -52% 9th
16:25 Exe (2) Break Heart Hill 8th 2 3.0 150/1 -50% -50% 8th
16:25 Exe (3) Impecunious 5th 2 4.0 40/1 -21% -21% 5th
16:25 Exe (4) Intrepide Sud 3rd 3 6.0 15/2 -36% -36% 3rd
16:25 Exe (5) Move With The Beat 4th 3 5.5 12/1 -20% -20% 4th
16:25 Exe (6) Rangatira Jack 2nd 4 6.5 8/1 -45% -45% 2nd
16:25 Exe (7) Vincenzo 1st 5 7.5 3/10 +32% +32% 1st £80.00
16:25 Exe (8) Vision De Maine 7th 3 6.5 12/1 +40% +40% 7th
16:25 Exe (9) Apples Moon 6th 2 5.0 50/1 -52% -52% 6th
16:45 Lim (1) Dylan's Chance 16th 2 6.0 80/1 -21% -21% 16th
16:45 Lim (2) Kellys Grove 7th 1 3.0 80/1 -21% -21% 7th
16:45 Lim (3) Let Him B 15th 2 7.0 40/1 -82% -82% 15th
16:45 Lim (4) Lope De Light 5th 2 4.0 50/1 -25% -25% 5th
16:45 Lim (5) Mordor 3rd 133 4 6.5 6/4 +25% +25% 3rd
16:45 Lim (6) Palamon 2nd 33 5 8.5 11/8 +21% +21% 2nd
16:45 Lim (7) Rocky's Diamond 1st 1 3.0 22/1 +56% +56% 1st £460.00
16:45 Lim (8) Tannery Park 14th 1 5.0 25/1 +0% +0% 14th
16:45 Lim (9) The Blaggard 9th 2 5.0 100/1 -300% -300% 9th
16:45 Lim (10) Thegreenthirteen 13th 2 6.0 28/1 -100% -100% 13th
16:45 Lim (11) Tic Tac Toe 10th 2 5.0 66/1 -100% -100% 10th
16:45 Lim (12) Warrior Lion 11th 1 5.0 150/1 -50% -50% 11th
16:45 Lim (13) Duchamps Art 12th 1 5.5 125/1 -279% -279% 12th
16:45 Lim (14) Love Me 4th 33 3 7.5 13/2 -86% -86% 4th
16:45 Lim (15) Star Contact 8th 2 4.0 66/1 -200% -200% 8th
16:45 Lim (16) Uhavemeinstitches 6th 33 3 6.5 12/1 +0% +0% 6th
16:50 New (1) Bella Taslina 2nd 3 8.0 14/1 -17% -17% 2nd
16:50 New (2) Cosmos Artist 10th 1 6.5 80/1 -21% -21% 10th
16:50 New (3) Highland Lil 5th 2 7.0 22/1 +12% +12% 5th
16:50 New (4) Intertwined 3rd 2 7.8 12/1 +0% +0% 3rd
16:50 New (5) Moon Over India 8th 2 8.3 28/1 -100% -100% 8th
16:50 New (6) Night Lark 4th 3 7.5 15/2 -50% -50% 4th
16:50 New (7) Noel Fox 6th 3 7.2 3/1 +33% +33% 6th
16:50 New (9) Pride And Power 9th 4 9.0 5/1 -43% -43% 9th
16:50 New (10) Star Style 1st 3 8.7 3/1 +50% +50% 1st £80.00
16:50 New (11) Tarqeez 7th 5 8.5 6/1 -140% -140% 7th
16:55 Exe (2) Giddy Up 5th 1 3.0 100/1 +33% +33% 5th
16:55 Exe (3) Johnny Blue 2nd 5 7.5 1/6 +77% +77% 2nd
16:55 Exe (5) Saint Cyr De Pail 1st 2 5.5 7/1 +7% +7% 1st £160.00
16:55 Exe (6) Tiger Blade 4th 1 4.0 50/1 +50% +50% 4th
16:55 Exe (9) Bathgate 3rd 3 6.5 7/1 +50% +50% 3rd
17:07 Bal (1) Getawiggleon 14th 3 4.5 50/1 -400% -400% 14th
17:07 Bal (3) Mill House Creek 5th 2 6.0 6/1 +57% +57% 5th
17:07 Bal (4) Albatala 10th 2 3.5 80/1 +20% +20% 10th
17:07 Bal (5) Cappacurry Ealu 6th 4 7.5 4/1 -20% -20% 6th
17:07 Bal (6) Diamond Nora 1st 1 4.0 16/1 +84% +84% 1st £340.00
17:07 Bal (7) Easter Baroness 13th 2 5.0 100/1 +0% +0% 13th
17:07 Bal (8) Justmadeit 9th 3 5.5 16/1 -14% -14% 9th
17:07 Bal (9) Me And Mrs Lee 11th 2 6.0 80/1 -60% -60% 11th
17:07 Bal (10) Mini Getaway 8th 2 3.5 125/1 +38% +38% 8th
17:07 Bal (11) Phoenix Belle 4th 3 7.0 5/2 +25% +25% 4th
17:07 Bal (12) Racing Daisy 7th 2 4.0 50/1 +0% +0% 7th
17:07 Bal (13) Silin Alainn 12th 2 4.0 125/1 -25% -25% 12th
17:07 Bal (14) Slim Marvel 3rd 3 6.5 10/3 +72% +72% 3rd
17:07 Bal (15) Burvea 2nd 4 7.0 9/2 +40% +40% 2nd
17:37 Bal (1) Highland King 10th 2 2.0 80/1 -471% -471% 10th
17:37 Bal (2) Napper Tandy 3rd 4 7.5 10/3 -21% -21% 3rd
17:37 Bal (4) Doctor Glide 2nd 5 8.0 8/11 +51% +51% 2nd
17:37 Bal (5) Eoin's Charm 4th 3 4.0 28/1 -75% -75% 4th
17:37 Bal (6) Fairytale New York 7th 1 1.0 33/1 +67% +67% 7th
17:37 Bal (7) Giant Haystacks 5th 3 2.5 7/1 -100% -100% 5th
17:37 Bal (8) Khewilltu |F| 1 2.0 100/1 +33% +33% |F|
17:37 Bal (9) Kinski 12th 1 1.0 125/1 +17% +17% 12th
17:37 Bal (10) On The Steel 1st 3 4.5 17/2 -42% -42% 1st £360.00
17:37 Bal (11) Ontheblind 11th 1 3.0 100/1 +0% +0% 11th
17:37 Bal (12) Opposite Ends 9th 3 3.5 40/1 -344% -344% 9th
17:37 Bal (13) Texas King 13th 2 2.0 25/1 +75% +75% 13th
17:37 Bal (14) Nicholas Street 6th 2 2.0 40/1 -21% -21% 6th
17:37 Bal (15) You're Kidding Me 14th 2 1.5 33/1 +34% +34% 14th
17:37 Bal (16) Mayday Games 8th 1 1.5 100/1 +0% +0% 8th
17:50 Lim (1) Agree To Disagree 5th 1 3.5 16/1 +68% +68% 5th
17:50 Lim (2) Dancingondaceiling 1st 1 4.0 25/1 -25% -25% 1st £520.00
17:50 Lim (3) Driscolls Hill 2nd 5 7.5 5/2 -100% -100% 2nd
17:50 Lim (4) Kinturk Jack 6th 1 3.0 40/1 -21% -21% 6th
17:50 Lim (5) Le Goom |PU| 1 2.0 100/1 +0% +0% |PU|
17:50 Lim (6) Lough Owel 4th 4 7.2 11/4 -120% -120% 4th
17:50 Lim (7) Manatee Du Brizais |U| 1 4.2 11/2 +73% +73% |U|
17:50 Lim (8) Rokathir 3rd 3 6.5 2/1 +50% +50% 3rd
17:50 Lim (9) Larkins Lane |PU| 1 5.8 66/1 -100% -100% |PU|
17:50 Lim (10) Stellar Jury |U| 1 2.5 150/1 +0% +0% |U|
18:15 Bat (1) Voix De Bocelli 6th 2 5.5 33/1 +18% +18% 6th
18:15 Bat (2) Prefer The Sister 3rd 4 6.5 4/1 -14% -14% 3rd
18:15 Bat (3) Enzo Maresca 10th 3 6.0 22/1 +12% +12% 10th
18:15 Bat (4) Fortnum 5th 2 5.5 8/1 +33% +33% 5th
18:15 Bat (5) God Bless America 2nd 5 6.0 3/1 -9% -9% 2nd
18:15 Bat (6) Happy Chandler betfair ladbrokes 2 3.5 9/1 +44% +44%
18:15 Bat (7) Oscar Mike 7th 4 7.0 13/2 -63% -63% 7th
18:15 Bat (8) Tomorrow Day 9th 2 4.5 40/1 +0% +0% 9th
18:15 Bat (9) Airgunner 8th 3 6.5 25/1 -79% -79% 8th
18:15 Bat (10) Volto Di Medusa 1st 3 6.5 9/2 +25% +25% 1st £200.00
18:15 Bat (11) Epidavros 4th 3 7.0 12/1 -20% -20% 4th
18:50 Lim (1) Favori De Champdou 1st 5 8.5 8/13 -17% -17% 1st £180.00
18:50 Lim (2) Donacheady Gale 2nd 2 7.5 9/1 +50% +50% 2nd
18:50 Lim (4) Joyeux Machin |F| 4 6.5 11/4 -22% -22% |F|
18:50 Lim (5) Tullyhogue Fort 4th 1 4.0 50/1 +38% +38% 4th
18:50 Lim (6) Bella Bliss 3rd 2 7.0 15/2 +66% +66% 3rd

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