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Handicap Runners

Race Horse Result Betting Top Points Rating ChatGPT Rating TomForm Rating Speed Rating OR Rating Odds Odds Mov TP TP Mov TBP TBP Mov Result Win Betting TP Betting TBP Betting
16:25 Mar (14) Catlin 3rd 20 0 0.0 56 105 78 4.5/1 +63% +63% 2.32 1.87 3rd £46.40 £37.40
16:25 Mar (12) Shattered Glass 2nd 0 0.0 68 100 90 3/1 +54% +54% 2.16 1.74 2nd £43.20 £34.80
16:25 Mar (10) Tour De Pub 4th 50 0 0.0 88 101 94 5.5/1 +61% +61% 2.84 2.2 4th £44.00
16:25 Mar (2) Forgetthesmalltalk 5th 0 0.0 116 84 109 14/1 +0% +0% 5.8 3.95 5th
13:30 Mar (4) Whiteoak Fleur 10th 75 0 0.0 122 89 117 18/1 -112% -112% 6.2 4.3 10th
13:30 Mar (11) Gazette Bourgeoise 3rd 0 0.0 60 109 115 14/1 -17% -17% 4.8 3.3 3rd £96.00 £66.00
13:30 Mar (12) Off The Hook 4th 0 0.0 125 102 112 2.75/1 +31% +31% 1.87 1.56 4th £31.20
13:30 Mar (2) Hawthorn Cottage 5th 67 0 0.0 132 116 118 5/1 +58% +58% 2.76 2.12 5th
15:15 Mar (5) Langer Dan 4th 0 0.0 172 85 134 9/1 -13% -13% 2.74 1.95 4th £39.00
15:15 Mar (2) Gipsy De Choisel 5th 75 0 0.0 200 125 3.5/1 -5% -5% 1.98 1.51 5th
15:15 Mar (6) Ajero 1st 25 0 0.0 300 111 125 3.5/1 -17% -17% 1.86 1.43 1st £90.00 £37.20 £28.60
15:15 Mar (1) Mick Maestro 3rd 0 0.0 178 121 123 3.5/1 +0% +0% 1.75 1.36 3rd £35.00 £27.20
15:50 Mar (8) Scartare 2nd 25 0 0.0 132 82 83 9/1 -13% -13% 3.05 2.36 2nd £61.00 £47.20
15:50 Mar (6) Getaway North 1st 75 0 0.0 80 82 78 3.33/1 +26% +26% 2.0 1.66 1st £86.60 £40.00 £33.20
15:50 Mar (10) Impulsive Leader |PU| 0 0.0 65 63 79 14/1 -17% -17% 4.5 3.05 |PU|
15:50 Mar (2) Going Mobile 6th 0 0.0 64 67 99 5/1 +17% +17% 2.52 1.94 6th
15:50 Mar (4) Gouet Des Bruyeres 5th 0 0.0 26 86 98 16/1 -60% -60% 5.3 3.55 5th
15:50 Mar (9) Two Hoots |PU| 33 0 0.0 110 82 79 10/1 -43% -43% 3.45 2.58 |PU|
13:40 Nav (10) Fag An Bealach |PU| 40 0 0.0 200 105 113 14/1 +30% +30% 4.7 3.15 |PU|
13:40 Nav (5) The Trigger 6th 0 0.0 142 86 118 50/1 -150% -150% 14.0 10.0 6th
13:40 Nav (2) Moscowsowhat 5th 0 0.0 86 110 119 20/1 -25% -25% 6.0 4.2 5th
16:35 Nav (6) Castle Town House 3rd 20 0 0.0 180 68 98 3.5/1 +36% +36% 1.93 1.67 3rd £38.60 £33.40
16:35 Nav (17) Eagle Roque |PU| 50 0 0.0 74 97 40/1 +0% +0% 10.5 7.8 |PU|
16:35 Nav (19) Fort William |PU| 0 0.0 22 86 95 40/1 -82% -82% 9.4 6.4 |PU|
16:35 Nav (12) Mister Bells 14th 0 0.0 150 59 14/1 +13% +13% 3.7 3.3 14th
16:35 Nav (7) Fierami 1st 0 0.0 80 102 25/1 -25% -25% 5.6 4.5 1st £520.00 £112.00 £90.00
13:50 New (16) Silent Assistant 10th 0 0.0 214 110 121 8.5/1 +23% +23% 2.58 1.79 10th
13:50 New (13) Dell' Arca 8th 25 0 0.0 125 67 131 20/1 +20% +20% 5.7 3.15 8th
13:50 New (18) Howling Milan 2nd 0 0.0 78 112 120 14/1 +50% +50% 4.0 2.48 2nd £80.00 £49.60
13:50 New (15) Dhowin |F| 0 0.0 164 128 123 6.5/1 +28% +28% 2.1 1.64 |F|
15:35 New (19) Night Edition 15th 0 0.0 213 114 135 33/1 -18% -18% 9.6 6.0 15th
15:35 New (16) Annual Invictus 4th 0 0.0 275 108 130 10/1 +50% +50% 3.65 2.58 4th £73.00 £51.60
15:35 New (1) Buzz 5th 75 0 0.0 161 139 148 10/1 +29% +29% 3.3 2.32 5th £66.00 £46.40
15:35 New (11) Lightly Squeeze 17th 0 0.0 143 117 140 66/1 -65% -65% 17.5 8.4 17th
15:35 New (18) Soaring Glory 1st 0 0.0 286 130 133 8.5/1 -21% -21% 3.05 2.14 1st £190.00 £61.00 £42.80
15:35 New (23) On To Victory 10th 50 0 0.0 141 131 127 18/1 +0% +0% 5.3 3.35 10th
16:10 New (3) Enrilo 1st 60 0 0.0 180 103 140 2/1 -6% -6% 1.92 1.5 1st £60.00 £38.40 £30.00
16:10 New (5) Thegallantway 5th 50 0 0.0 249 126 129 3.5/1 +30% +30% 2.68 1.72 5th
16:10 New (2) Hold The Note 2nd 0 0.0 130 114 140 4/1 +20% +20% 2.6 1.75 2nd £52.00 £35.00
16:10 New (4) Ballymoy 3rd 0 0.0 196 99 139 6/1 -9% -9% 3.15 2.02 3rd £40.40
13:22 Utt (5) Discko Des Plages |U| 20 0 0.0 92 107 108 3.5/1 +30% +30% 2.44 1.65 |U|
13:22 Utt (2) Exelerator Express 1st 75 0 0.0 177 117 119 1.62/1 +1% +1% 1.7 1.3 1st £52.40 £34.00 £26.00
13:22 Utt (3) Maid O'Malley |F| 0 0.0 133 9/1 -125% -125% 4.2 2.5 |F|
13:22 Utt (1) Little Rory Mac |F| 0 0.0 107 109 120 3/1 +10% +10% 2.22 1.57 |F|
13:22 Utt (4) Knight Destroyer 2nd 0 0.0 92 99 112 11/1 +0% +0% 5.5 3.15 2nd £110.00 £63.00
13:57 Utt (4) When You're Ready 3rd 60 0 0.0 226 125 124 2.12/1 +36% +36% 1.37 1.14 3rd £27.40 £22.80
13:57 Utt (1) Gustavian 1st 25 0 0.0 243 120 122 1.62/1 +19% +19% 1.25 1.08 1st £52.40 £25.00 £21.60
13:57 Utt (8) Bialco 5th 0 0.0 116 97 122 14/1 +0% +0% 3.0 1.67 5th
13:57 Utt (2) Global Fame 2nd 25 0 0.0 188 72 128 4/1 +33% +33% 1.55 1.21 2nd £31.00 £24.20
15:42 Utt (9) Big Time Frank 4th 40 0 0.0 134 101 80 3.5/1 +65% +65% 1.84 1.48 4th £29.60
15:42 Utt (4) Light Flicker 1st 25 0 0.0 160 86 93 4/1 -100% -100% 1.98 1.54 1st £100.00 £39.60 £30.80
15:42 Utt (6) Misty Mai |PU| 0 0.0 117 56 89 3/1 +54% +54% 1.87 1.52 |PU|
15:42 Utt (2) Paddys Runner |PU| 0 0.0 87 83 98 33/1 -136% -136% 8.6 5.4 |PU|
16:17 Utt (1) Truckers Highway |PU| 50 0 0.0 96 86 101 6/1 +33% +33% 2.66 1.91 |PU|
16:17 Utt (9) Eaton Miller 1st 0 0.0 108 80 79 6/1 -50% -50% 2.58 2.0 1st £140.00 £51.60 £40.00
16:17 Utt (3) Write It Down 5th 0 0.0 82 54 97 28/1 -75% -75% 7.4 7.8 5th
16:17 Utt (8) Arthur's Reuben |PU| 0 0.0 100 88 83 12/1 -71% -71% 3.95 2.96 |PU|
16:17 Utt (10) Inspireus 2nd 0 0.0 114 67 74 9/1 +50% +50% 3.5 2.36 2nd £70.00 £47.20
16:17 Utt (2) Easy Bucks |PU| 33 0 0.0 120 76 98 3/1 +0% +0% 1.91 1.5 |PU|
16:52 Utt (6) Poucor 8th 20 0 0.0 92 78 111 14/1 -27% -27% 4.6 2.98 8th
16:52 Utt (5) Dharan 3rd 50 0 0.0 234 110 109 4.5/1 +10% +10% 2.36 1.83 3rd £47.20 £36.60
16:52 Utt (2) Endlessly 6th 0 0.0 108 105 118 5/1 -43% -43% 2.3 1.83 6th
16:52 Utt (9) Gamesters Icon 2nd 0 0.0 99 99 5.5/1 +15% +15% 2.48 1.85 2nd £49.60 £37.00
16:52 Utt (1) Timeforaspin 4th 0 0.0 76 75 121 7.5/1 +63% +63% 2.86 2.1 4th £42.00
13:22 Utt (6) Bang On |PU| 0 0.0 137 72 109 12/1 +14% +14% 5.9 3.35 |PU|
13:30 Mar (1) Kalahari Queen |PU| 0 0.0 132 102 118 25/1 -108% -108% 7.0 4.8 |PU|
13:30 Mar (3) Miss Delighted 11th 0 0.0 151 100 117 33/1 -200% -200% 10.5 6.8 11th
13:30 Mar (5) Against All Odds |PU| 0 0.0 150 91 11/1 -144% -144% 4.4 3.15 |PU|
13:30 Mar (7) Fricka 8th 0 0.0 116 91 115 33/1 -50% -50% 9.0 5.6 8th
13:30 Mar (8) Rosy World 9th 0 0.0 150 65 118 28/1 -133% -133% 10.0 6.2 9th
13:30 Mar (9) Midnight Ginger 6th 33 0 0.0 180 70 6.5/1 +19% +19% 2.78 2.14 6th
13:30 Mar (10) Precious Eleanor 2nd 0 0.0 140 92 109 4/1 +56% +56% 2.34 1.88 2nd £46.80 £37.60
13:30 Mar (13) Fivetotwelve 7th 0 0.0 100 96 12/1 -85% -85% 4.5 3.3 7th
13:30 Mar (14) Blarney Bateleur 1st 0 0.0 100 65 28/1 +15% +15% 8.6 5.8 1st £580.00 £172.00 £116.00
13:40 Nav (1) Se Mo Laoch 2nd 50 0 0.0 120 54 126 6/1 +25% +25% 2.44 2.02 2nd £48.80 £40.40
13:40 Nav (3) Samurai Cracker 4th 0 0.0 169 70 121 14/1 -17% -17% 4.8 3.4 4th £68.00
13:40 Nav (6) Envol Pierji 7th 33 0 0.0 182 86 109 3.33/1 -11% -11% 2.38 1.85 7th
13:40 Nav (7) Minellafordollars |PU| 0 0.0 170 87 119 6/1 +40% +40% 2.96 2.16 |PU|
13:40 Nav (8) Young Dev 1st 100 0 0.0 126 69 113 8.5/1 -21% -21% 3.5 2.52 1st £190.00 £70.00 £50.40
13:40 Nav (9) Dubai Devils 3rd 33 0 0.0 137 106 104 3.5/1 +30% +30% 1.94 1.59 3rd £38.80 £31.80
13:40 Nav (11) Arctic Skipper |PU| 0 0.0 215 116 33/1 +34% +34% 10.0 7.0 |PU|
13:40 Nav (12) Getaday |F| 50 0 0.0 153 102 109 6.5/1 +35% +35% 2.9 2.14 |F|
13:50 New (2) Palmers Hill 13th 0 0.0 238 98 137 11/1 -22% -22% 3.8 2.46 13th
13:50 New (3) Commanche Red 12th 0 0.0 124 145 33/1 +0% +0% 7.8 4.3 12th
13:50 New (4) Nordano |PU| 0 0.0 106 76 138 80/1 -60% -60% 18.5 7.6 |PU|
13:50 New (5) Southfield Harvest 3rd 67 0 0.0 183 114 130 4/1 +0% +0% 2.0 1.49 3rd £40.00 £29.80
13:50 New (6) Es Perfecto 4th 0 0.0 186 108 7.5/1 -7% -7% 2.9 1.93 4th £58.00 £38.60
13:50 New (7) Limited Reserve |PU| 0 0.0 111 71 129 50/1 -100% -100% 14.5 7.2 |PU|
13:50 New (8) Sizable Sam 5th 0 0.0 280 115 124 4/1 +27% +27% 1.99 1.54 5th £39.80 £30.80
13:50 New (9) Polish 1st 0 0.0 105 124 131 14/1 +36% +36% 3.8 2.46 1st £300.00 £76.00 £49.20
13:50 New (10) Vive Le Roi 6th 0 0.0 141 112 131 20/1 +20% +20% 5.3 3.0 6th £60.00
13:50 New (11) Kitty's Light 7th 0 0.0 155 22/1 -10% -10% 7.4 3.95 7th
13:50 New (12) Sirobbie 11th 0 0.0 147 107 130 25/1 -39% -39% 6.6 3.65 11th
13:50 New (17) Present Value 9th 0 0.0 126 107 125 20/1 +20% +20% 5.3 3.4 9th
13:57 Utt (3) The Macon Lugnatic 4th 0 0.0 132 103 129 6/1 +29% +29% 1.93 1.32 4th £26.40
15:15 Mar (3) Miss Heritage 2nd 0 0.0 193 113 126 5/1 +44% +44% 1.97 1.51 2nd £39.40 £30.20
15:15 Mar (4) Dream Du Grand Val |PU| 0 0.0 130 103 135 100/1 -52% -52% 20.0 11.0 |PU|
15:15 Mar (7) Gortroe Joe 6th 0 0.0 156 103 128 5/1 +41% +41% 2.04 1.49 6th
15:35 New (2) Gumball 21st 0 0.0 152 117 151 50/1 +24% +24% 11.0 7.2 21st
15:35 New (3) Wild Max |F| 0 0.0 192 107 138 25/1 -56% -56% 7.4 4.2 |F|
15:35 New (5) Edwardstone 3rd 0 0.0 230 120 141 14/1 -17% -17% 4.4 2.94 3rd £88.00 £58.80
15:35 New (6) For Pleasure 14th 0 0.0 170 127 144 50/1 -79% -79% 11.0 6.0 14th
15:35 New (7) Fred 19th 0 0.0 170 105 144 50/1 -25% -25% 11.0 5.8 19th
15:35 New (8) Thyme White 9th 0 0.0 154 130 141 28/1 -12% -12% 9.6 5.1 9th
15:35 New (9) Highway One O Two 18th 0 0.0 150 90 145 66/1 -32% -32% 14.0 7.8 18th
15:35 New (10) Milkwood 11th 0 0.0 230 128 141 12/1 +14% +14% 3.95 2.26 11th
15:35 New (12) Mister Coffey 7th 67 0 0.0 340 131 138 8/1 -14% -14% 3.0 2.12 7th
15:35 New (13) Cadzand 12th 0 0.0 333 132 129 5.5/1 -10% -10% 2.4 1.76 12th
15:35 New (14) Shakem Up'arry 8th 0 0.0 213 132 130 11/1 +56% +56% 3.7 2.7 8th
15:35 New (15) Guard Your Dreams 6th 0 0.0 320 122 128 14/1 +30% +30% 4.9 3.1 6th £62.00
15:35 New (17) Galice Macalo 22nd 50 0 0.0 143 105 134 20/1 +29% +29% 6.2 3.8 22nd
15:35 New (20) Mack The Man 20th 0 0.0 192 130 127 40/1 -60% -60% 9.8 5.4 20th
15:35 New (21) Fifty Ball 2nd 0 0.0 218 131 120 14/1 +0% +0% 4.7 2.72 2nd £94.00 £54.40
15:35 New (22) Glory And Fortune 13th 0 0.0 186 116 135 33/1 +0% +0% 12.0 6.0 13th
15:35 New (24) Ballinsker 16th 0 0.0 217 134 130 50/1 +24% +24% 17.0 9.4 16th
15:42 Utt (1) Square Viviani 5th 0 0.0 102 97 12/1 -200% -200% 4.3 2.9 5th
15:42 Utt (3) According To Alex |PU| 0 0.0 29 75 101 8.5/1 +39% +39% 3.35 2.4 |PU|
15:42 Utt (7) Supreme Danehill |PU| 0 0.0 192 22/1 -57% -57% 5.5 3.8 |PU|
15:42 Utt (8) Mahler's First 2nd 0 0.0 55 105 87 11/1 +21% +21% 4.0 2.8 2nd £80.00 £56.00
15:42 Utt (10) Bene Regina 3rd 50 0 0.0 107 104 82 6.5/1 +54% +54% 2.64 1.97 3rd £52.80 £39.40
15:50 Mar (1) Path To Freedom 3rd 0 0.0 200 75 100 11/1 +21% +21% 3.8 2.68 3rd £76.00 £53.60
15:50 Mar (3) Lord Sparky |PU| 0 0.0 86 58 95 5/1 +9% +9% 2.6 1.95 |PU|
15:50 Mar (7) Lermoos Legend |PU| 0 0.0 45 65 81 5/1 -25% -25% 2.42 1.85 |PU|
15:50 Mar (11) Vouvray 4th 0 0.0 32 74 50/1 -150% -150% 15.0 10.0 4th £200.00
16:10 New (1) Mill Green 4th 0 0.0 158 118 140 8/1 -167% -167% 4.0 2.58 4th
16:10 New (6) Rockpoint 6th 0 0.0 116 100 132 11/1 +39% +39% 5.3 3.05 6th
16:17 Utt (4) The Ogle Gogle Man 3rd 50 0 0.0 118 72 95 4/1 +0% +0% 2.26 1.69 3rd £45.20 £33.80
16:17 Utt (5) Pleney |PU| 0 0.0 108 83 91 9/1 -80% -80% 3.8 2.68 |PU|
16:17 Utt (6) Kiteinahurricane |PU| 0 0.0 93 50/1 +24% +24% 12.0 8.0 |PU|
16:17 Utt (7) The Dawn Man 4th 0 0.0 96 79 90 9/1 +44% +44% 3.45 2.52 4th £50.40
16:25 Mar (1) Eurowork |PU| 0 0.0 138 108 28/1 -56% -56% 7.6 5.6 |PU|
16:25 Mar (3) Alright Marlene |PU| 33 0 0.0 83 60 103 12/1 +45% +45% 4.3 3.0 |PU|
16:25 Mar (4) Archie Brown 1st 0 0.0 63 107 25/1 -14% -14% 8.0 5.5 1st £520.00 £160.00 £110.00
16:25 Mar (5) Eclair Des Sablons |F| 0 0.0 80 73 107 12/1 +40% +40% 4.7 3.4 |F|
16:25 Mar (6) Rintulla |PU| 0 0.0 110 65 102 5/1 -25% -25% 2.52 2.04 |PU|
16:25 Mar (7) Kalinite |F| 0 0.0 135 25/1 -79% -79% 8.4 5.7 |F|
16:25 Mar (9) Barley Hill |PU| 0 0.0 79 200/1 -506% -506% 44.0 22.0 |PU|
16:25 Mar (11) Jimmy |PU| 0 0.0 95 105 89 16/1 -100% -100% 5.9 3.9 |PU|
16:25 Mar (13) Jones Well |PU| 0 0.0 39 63 80 10/1 +0% +0% 3.95 2.9 |PU|
16:35 Nav (1) Ask And Answer 9th 0 0.0 74 51 100 50/1 -25% -25% 12.0 9.8 9th
16:35 Nav (2) Doldido 12th 0 0.0 72 54 102 10/1 +17% +17% 3.05 2.44 12th
16:35 Nav (3) Free Thought 15th 0 0.0 100 78 11/1 -69% -69% 3.9 3.2 15th
16:35 Nav (4) Macho Mover 11th 0 0.0 69 64 95 66/1 -65% -65% 16.0 11.5 11th
16:35 Nav (5) Ragin Cajun 7th 33 0 0.0 80 62 102 3.5/1 +22% +22% 2.04 1.8 7th
16:35 Nav (8) Kings Halo 8th 0 0.0 99 63 102 28/1 +15% +15% 7.8 5.3 8th
16:35 Nav (9) Sunset Sadie 10th 0 0.0 58 67 102 80/1 -21% -21% 11.5 11.0 10th
16:35 Nav (10) Westy Fox 2nd 0 0.0 100 92 7/1 -27% -27% 2.48 2.14 2nd £49.60 £42.80
16:35 Nav (11) Bronson In Blue 5th 0 0.0 28 68 99 20/1 -25% -25% 5.3 4.2 5th £84.00
16:35 Nav (13) Secret Cargo 13th 0 0.0 54 98 14/1 +13% +13% 3.85 2.84 13th
16:35 Nav (14) Hidden Dilemma 6th 33 0 0.0 65 88 97 20/1 +9% +9% 6.4 4.5 6th
16:35 Nav (15) Captain Court |PU| 0 0.0 33/1 +0% +0% 10.5 7.0 |PU|
16:35 Nav (16) Duke Of Kilcorral |PU| 0 0.0 60 100 80/1 -21% -21% 15.0 10.5 |PU|
16:35 Nav (18) Eileens Boy 16th 0 0.0 54 100/1 -52% -52% 20.0 15.0 16th
16:35 Nav (20) Dragon's Pass 4th 0 0.0 28 79 92 8/1 -45% -45% 2.7 2.18 4th £54.00 £43.60
16:52 Utt (3) Bean In Trouble 7th 0 0.0 130 101 120 6/1 +25% +25% 2.68 2.14 7th
16:52 Utt (4) Fugitif 1st 0 0.0 34 61 4/1 +60% +60% 2.02 1.62 1st £100.00 £40.40 £32.40
16:52 Utt (7) Hats Off To Larry 9th 0 0.0 145 89 86 22/1 -144% -144% 7.4 4.8 9th
16:52 Utt (8) Doyannie 5th 0 0.0 71 87 109 14/1 +0% +0% 4.2 3.0 5th

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